søndag den 8. februar 2009

Stilledag i Marathon

Lørdag den 7. februar 2009
I dag gad vi ikke rigtig noget og vejret var skyet, så vi besluttede at tage den med ro. Sanne lavede pandekager til morgenmad og efter dette fantastisk måltid kørte vi ud for at finde den lokale OFFENTLIGE golfbane. Det er en par-3 bane. Desværre var der rigtig mange ude og vi gad ikke rigtig at stå i kø, så vi kørte igen.

Vi kørte lidt sydpå, over The Seven Mile Bridge bare for sjov og så ellers retur igen hvor vi spenderede resten af eftermiddagen med at vaske, spille lidt tennis og gå en tur langs bådbroen og så på de mange store både (færger).

Vi spiste resten af den Slopy Joe vi fik i går, med cole slaw, majskobler og grøntsager - uhmmmmm!

Saturday 7th of Februar 2009
When we woke up this morning and looked out of the window, we decided that today should be a "lazy day". The temperature was ok but cloudy and no sun, so no reason to head for Key West, where one of the highlights would be the sunset.
Sanne made US pancakes with "the whole thing" and we decided to drive out to the public golf course (the words "private golf course" means members only, so no chance to play the Sombrero course which is right across the street). It showed up to be a very small par 3 course, with a lot of people playing today, so we decided "no go". Instead we took a drive over the 7 mile bridge - well Darren good luck at the 7 mile Marathon Bridge run this April - if you don't enjoy running then you at least can enjoy the view!!
Back in Marathon we shopped a little, did our laundry meanwhile we played tennis.
We decided to take a walk around the Marina and my lord, here they do not have boats - they have "small ferries" - coming in from all over the country. Guess it's all retired people who sails down here to hide from the winter back home.
The day ended with Sloppy Joe leftovers, fresh corn on the cob etc. Well regardless of the weather we go to Key West tomorrow morning as we are leaving the Keys on Monday.

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